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As a pavilion designed to be placed along the Pesisir Payang. RADAS sits perpendicularly to the newly completed Pasar Payang in the heart of Kuala Terengganu, the northern part of Malaysia. The pavilion was designed with a goal to create awareness among the locals and tourist about the environment. With that goal in mind, it was set out to be the apparatus, hence the name, RADAS, which means apparatus in Malay, the national language of Malaysia.

The diagram above shows how we came to the final design. From the left, a block is extruded to allow visitors to get closer with the river. Next, the form is sliced into a few segments as the representation of our theme, sustainability, and the road to achieving it. Moving on, alternate faces were removed from the for to provide unobstructed view when seated. Next, the form is adjusted to match the levels of the existing site. After that, the form is distorted into a hexagon to optimize the seating areas and lastly, materials were applied.


As we are actively trying to reduce our impact towards the environment, our choice of materials also play a major role. For the frames and structure part of the pavilion, we have chosen to use steel as it can be disassembled should one day the pavilion is no longer needed or needs to be demolished. Steel is among one of the few materials that can be recycled almost entirely without too much energy consumption.

Besides that, for the roof and siding of the pavilion, we have proposed bio-plastic. Although we understand that bio-plastic needs to be properly handled in order to biodegrade and not add to the landfill, the pavilion isn't like a plastic bottle where the user can simply dispose, so that shouldn't be an issue. Lastly, we have also proposed reclaimed timber as the finishing for the floor and seating area. Reclaimed timber is not only recycled, it also matches very well with our site as there are fishing boats around it. This material is not only stronger, but is also more stable than new wood, it also has that rustic charm, giving RADAS some character.

A walk-through of our proposed pavilion, RADAS

RADAS was designed collectively with Floyd Koay Chi June, Khoo Teng Sheng and Lim Ai Xin as part of our Design Studio V

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